Tuesday 27 May 2014

The End

A BIG Thank You To You All!!

As you all know I ran and completed the London Marathon 2014, raising money for two charities. Today I added up everything and have raised £441.81 !!!

£235.15 will go to ForEmmaJane
£206.66 will go to TWLOHA

The split is not 50/50 because I wanted you when sponsoring to choose who you wanted the money to go to.

I want to say one last thank you to everyone! For all your sponsors and the support you gave me through out the training and the big day!!! I couldn't of done it without you all.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

I Did It!

I completed the London Marathon.

On Sunday 13th April, I was up at 5am getting ready for the big day. I didn't get much sleep, you'd think it would be because I was so excited about the marathon.. it wasn't (well maybe a little :)) My boyfriend kept me up all night snoring. Throughout our whole relationship I have never heard him snore (maybe because I'm to busy snoring myself) but the one night I do, its the night of the big day!

Mum waving me off 2014
So I was on the coach by 6.45, waving me off was my mum, step dad, boyfriend and 2 friends of mine. It was a strange feeling sitting there thinking to myself, that in 3hours and 15mins I'll be beginning my run. It was also an odd feeling that this time last year my mum was sitting in this seat whilst I was waving her off.

2013 waving mum off

We left at 7am, on the way I tried to get some more sleep but that was impossible! I'm not sure what I felt, I could of been nervous or excited, it definitely kept me awake though!

Once we go there we had a little was to our colour areas. A runner I had been training with was lovely enough to show me where to go. To enter your colour area you show your number then you in.
I was in at 8am, surprisingly the next 2 hours passed very quickly. I had my first ever experience of using a female urinal, it was one of the most strangest things I have done but can see it catching on. After working out how the 'P-Mate' worked and where it goes and the position I should stand... not to forget the bag sliding down my arm and remembering my trousers don't need to be dropped to the floor, I realised it would only take 30seconds to be in and out the loo (once you get the hang of it)
Just remember not to wave the 'P-Mate' about like I did when someone asked me how to use theirs :|

I had a little walk around, collected a bottle of water to fill my bottles and finally sat myself down to get my gear together. Before I knew it,, it was 9.15am, I needed to be ready. I made sure I was topped up on suncream and got my bag into the storage lorry.

I walked on over to the start, and prepared myself for the big challenge ahead.

Before I knew it, I was on my way. The crowds were incredible! Everyone cheering you on and people shouting your name to help you along. I was soon at 6 miles which is when I saw my family and friends, seeing them gives you the little boost, puts the smile back on your face :) . The next stop was 12.5, knowing i only had that far to go till i saw all their faces again kept me going. The toughest point is when you run past that point and you haven't seen them, the disappointment that set in, and how deflated you feel. I gave mum a quick text to let her know I'd gone past. All I hoped now is that i saw her at 18miles. During the next 6miles the crowd really helped, I felt my head keep dropping and my feet dragging. I started talking to myself asking if I was going to complete it, am I going to get to the end. You see the occasional runner fall or laying on the floor and it worries you to think, it could be you. Your mind really does play tricks on you!

18miles down

 I finally saw everyone again, I was in pain but seeing them pushed me that little bit more. I kept telling myself i had 8miles to go, which is nothing compared to what I had already done.

I had only trained up to 20miles, which is what was advised. Getting to 20 and knowing you still had 6 to go was hard. Its at that point I could of hit the brick wall. I could feel the burn in my legs, and joint pains from my feet stomping the ground for hours. I gave myself a minute to stop and walk.

At 23miles I had an amazing surprise by my cousin, how she saw me out of all the running shocks me. I was running when I heard my name being shouted and someone waving in the corner of my eye. When I looked I had to double take to realise who it was!

The surprises didn't stop there. at 24.5 miles it happened again, someones shouting my name, I've run past the voices now. I turn my head to see it's my boyfriend with the biggest smile on his face, he held my tight for a moment as if to say your going to be okay, just a short way left.

I'd reached 25miles and all I could tell myself is 1 more mile, a mile has nothing on me. Mum and everyone was standing cheering me on, telling me all I had was a mile. I was crazy to think that i had just run so far.

There it was, the finish line. I picked up my pace to get to there and I ran though that line. It felt amazing. I had just completed my first marathon! Sitting here now, it still hasn't hit me that I did it. It all happened so quickly. I didn't reach my goal but I completed it. 5hour 24minutes and 11seconds

People have been asking me would I do it again and my answer is, definitely!  I would do it again but take in more on the atmosphere, smile back at the crowd, give them high 5's when they put there hands out and accept the sweets and fruit people offered.

Amazing day! 

Tuesday 8 April 2014

The nerves are kicking in!!


It's all slowly becoming real, its not just something I'm doing in a couple months time anymore. In 5days time i will be running the London Marathon.. There's no more training just resting up the muscles and making sure I'm prepared.

Work has been helpful, keeping me busy but that doesn't stop my mind wondering, thinking about the day. Often i'll get butterflies because I'm excited or that churning in my belly from nerves, this happening after eatting is not a nice experience. For 2 hours yesterday i thought I was going to be sick.

I was nearly convinced i had a sick bug, i started worrying i wouldn't be in a fit state to run. A  customer heard me talking, she told me she's running too and she felt exactly the same.

I can only imagine this feeling will get more intense as the days go on.

If you wish to donate, please click the link below


Monday 7 April 2014

Who am I running for?


The first charity I am running for is a new charity. I was touched when I found out a colleague of mine set up a charity in memory of her Auntie.
This charity wants "to support those who are left bereft by suicide, affected by the devastation of suicide and offer a hand to hold through times of grief"

Lets help ForEmmaJane achieve there goals!

For more information on this charity please visit:

(To write love on her arms)

The second charity I am running for is, a good friends chosen charity.

"Part of TWLOHA’s mission is to make sure people are informed about mental health issues. Our hope is that sharing knowledge and truth about mental health will combat the stigma surrounding it. Two-thirds of people with depression do not seek treatment.  We want to see that number change. We believe that help is real and possible for everyone, and we hope education about mental health will open doors for those who are struggling to reach out and receive the help they deserve."

Although this is an american charity, they do have a UK base.

Lets get the stigma beaten!

For more information on this charity please visit:

Please help me, help the charities, help those who are struggling.  

To donate please click the link below


Saturday 11 January 2014

It's Getting Tough Now..

So 13miles ...

Its been a week or 2 since I last wrote. Now Christmas is over you should be reading more from me :)

I had a great Christmas at my mums, It was a lovely couple of days break from work. I was convinced that I would go out for a run boxing day morning yet after a few drinks Christmas day, I realised it wouldn't be possible. I did get put on that Sunday a did a 10 mile run.

My 10 mile run was painful, I got up at 8 as I'd decided I needed to eat before I do long runs (mum had been nagging me) so i tried it, I had a small bowl of porridge. I will NEVER do it again, I had a stitch from mile 4 up until mile 8. By this time I could feel my muscle burning from working so hard, I had to continue though! Once at 9 miles my pace had dramatically dropped, it was hard to catch up with people walking. Finally I'd completed 10miles and was into double figure miles!

That week I told myself I wanted to run 13miles! Despite being told I shouldn't push to hard, I felt i had to do it and I did. Sunday morning I wasn't sure if i did want to go out, the thought of chilling in all day was a nice thought. But the thought of not training gave me a bad feeling as if I would be letting myself down and all that hard work I'd done weeks before would be chucked away.

I thought 10miles was a good feeling! I'm now half way there... every mile now that I train will be a mile less till the end and completing a Marathon :) I am so excited about the big day now :)

I should be back with another blog tomorrow after a 14mile run (I hope).

Sunday 15 December 2013

I'm Going To Sleep Well Tonight!

5.5 Miles down...

I'm back out running again, unfortunately I caught a cold last week and couldn't get out, so stayed tucked up in bed to get better.

Today was tough but definitely worth it. I wont lie I was rather nervous to begin with as I went out running with a of people I didn't know. I got paired up with a lovely guy who kept me going when I could of easily stopped. As we ran we had a good chat which was such a strange experience, back in school you were always told not to talk whilst running, yet today most of the run we had a conversation, which actually helped me along the way.

Being up and out early is such a great feeling.

The only thing I worry about now is how much I'm going to ache after i've done more miles! Right now my body just doesn't want me to do anything else, my legs are floppy and my eyelids just want to shut, if i was to lay my head on the pillow, i'd be asleep within a second. If i feel like this now... i dread to think what i will feel after longer distance!

I have to also add how excited a was to run today :) I recently purchased new running clothes and i ran in them for the first time today. The day I bought them I had to have words with myself, I get selfish with money and didn't want to pay out for the clothes. Mum who was there with me convinced me that I needed them. Now having run in them I completly agree..  I need them :)

It makes such a differents wearing longer legs out running, it kept that chill off my legs and having the well fitting jacket kept the breeze from catching under and chilling your belly.

Not the best picture, but you can see them :)

Thank you mum (again) for taking me  this morning. My mum isnt training at the moment, but she gets up on her day off to take me training  :)

Wednesday 4 December 2013

It's cold outside

I Did It :)

So motivation was down last week, Mum being Mum decided to text me a 9pm Saturday night telling me she was picking me up at 9.20am Sunday to go for a run. She knew I wouldn't be able to say no!

So Sunday morning was only a short one down the sea front, but was good to be out again. It was so lovely running down the beach, there's a lot of runners there giving you a smile or a wave which surprisingly, really helps you keep going.

Unfortunately Mum couldn't run; whilst doing a run herself she slipped and twisted her ankle. Knowing she was there walking behind me Sunday made me realise how much she supports me, She didn't have to kick me out of bed, pick me up and walk along the beach at 10am (she has a swollen ankle, she should be resting) but she did and that mean a lot to me.

Knowing I could do it once, I did it again. I was up at 8.30 this morning and out for a run. I didn't realise running in winter is so different to running in summer. The cold seems to tense up all your muscles, making you feel like you've run 2 miles when you've done 1 mile. Even breathe you take of cold air feels like it's burning your lungs, every step you take feels like your joints have gone stiff slowing you down, as well as your muscles not allowing you to stretch your leg out at far as you normally would. You run for so long everything goes numb through the cold, your finger tips, ears and worst of all you nose.

Seeing as it's getting even colder now, I'm off out to buy some new running clothes to keep me warmer :)